There will of course be Nothing to do or Everything to do. This is the law, you know it. So having arrived at Nothing to do I did a performance review and once that was sitting staring at me two other imperatives hit the desk. Let’s go through these in order of joy.

There’s ‘medical stuff’ going on. It’s going to be alright but it tends to make your head spin at times. Sitting in the emergency waiting room doodling ideas with pencil and paper on my lap is maybe sub-optimal, maybe it energises the designs in some visceral way. I certainly got a lot of ideas out. You know what waiting rooms are like.
After much fucking around with various ‘cute 2d game creators’ and ‘HTML5 animation with basic actions tools’ I realised that it would use up months trying to learn to hack these and it’s not the problem as such. It’s the constraints of my imagination. When listing all the things I really admire (Meow Wolf, Hondo 5AM, Yume Nikki, Tomb Raider etc.), all but one are in 3D.
I’ve been lucky to find another textbook on Architecture And Surrealism which is a bit dismaying because it echoes all the individual research I’ve been doing and exhilarating because it echoes all the individual research I’ve been doing. It’s like meeting somebody who speaks my odd dialect. But they go further. They for example describe taking a physical space and exploding it into flying fragments and calling that architecture. Which of course wipes out my ‘computer space must imitate real space’ assumptions.
Just one of many commands to ‘stop thinking like a fucking brick layer’.

I’m going to start on a new work (project name ‘I Like Snakes’) which will be a modular set of adjoining stages, each with its own physics and humour. By dividing it up into sections I’m less overwhelmed and have more freedom to break rules. The idea is to make things and test ideas that can then be rehoused in Luna. Also to draw upon my history of 3D things like shoe heads and dancing bats. Loosen it up and then tighten it back. Also my idea to connect HH and Snowglobe was wrong. They are different. But it has been good to repair them and I’ll cut the umbilical and keep fixing them up.
But then third imperative. Got a phone call from my old band mate Kriv. He’s got a film shoot going on. Not the size of his biggest films but more fun for him. So he was thinking about the film score and referring back to his third feature Boxing Day, which he says I had scored (but it wasn’t really that much music involved). Anyway… do another? Well…
I wish you luck with the medical stuff. I also have medical stuff to deal with. It has focused my attention on which of my creative endeavours bring me joy. Long live Sir Tom of Ellard!
Not my illness, but I am needed at the moment.
It’s not always nice to be needed.
Hi Tom,
A random Q – do you still make videos/music videos?
Yes. The last live show was an hour long video stream made throughout 2023. It was the second of a set of “Seances”.