After a lot of reading and thinking and discussion.
The Artistic Reason: I take great pride in my work. I will work hard, long hours, for years at a time to create the best I can achieve. Even when making merchandise, everyone involved will go above and beyond – to a crazy extent because we care about respect, legacy and creativity. Merchandise should be wonderful itself. It cannot be turned around quickly, generated, minted or whatever mass production pumps out ‘tokens’.
I am inspired by others who create beautiful clever funny odd things – this is part of what makes life joyful. So when in NFTs I see arrays of lazy, algorithmically generated fodder – the absolute bare minimum with no thought except to make money – do I want to be remembered for that? Do I want to make the image equivalent of bad pop/rap/top 40 drivel? Have that as my reputation?

FUCK NO. I would rather be an outsider if that’s the inside.
The Social Reasons: You can find much better accounts elsewhere. But the overall point is that NFTs are based on blockchains and blockchains have brought misery into this world – crime, corruption, ecological damage … and provide no realistic benefit. I do not want to support technology that accelerates harm to others.
Knowing that this can be a religion there’s no comments. You can find that elsewhere.