Nothing very interesting – just a note about this site.
For mysterious reasons the pages have been difficult to reach for a few days. Fortunately for me it has less visitors than your local church, but I’ve taken steps to sort this out. There are now multiple global servers and improved image compression.
Looking in my logs it looks like somebody has been banging away at my server with something about ‘Binance’. Good luck with that.
The In Flight music system is broken – again. I had licensed a commercial playback system, the license needed to be updated, that required me to upload a unlock file to the server, which refused to accept the file as it was not in a format that could be examined for malicious code. I’m sure with time and expertise I could solve this but fuck it. I’ve cancelled the subscription and will try work out a public domain solution.
That’s about it for now. I need a picture.

Always wondered what the plan was with the ‘Classics’ section of the Inflight website… will that ever see the light of day? Hope you’re well Tom.
It will be a Woodroach project once I fix the system.
Always wondered what the mysterious ‘Classics’ section of that Inflight website was all about… will that ever see the light of day? Would that become the new home of Solar Woodroach and all the Nilamox stuff if the issues get resolved? Hope you’re well Tom, keep your head cool in all this inconvenient technical website bollocks.
Yes the Solar Woodroach project will move to this section of the Inflight website. I have to repair the site first and there’s a lot of backed up duties to perform.
Nilamox things will be made available as the opportunities are sorted out.
Bro! Better snatch that bandcamp handle quick! If I may ask, why did you abandon that model for this project?
Um… if you mean Nilamox, I have tried to document the thoughts that went into the project and how it didn’t match up with audience expectations. Even the name nilamox signalled a negation of the past, but didn’t manage to present a future. There has to be a point where you accept it’s not working and change it.