Never mind the Mac vs. PC stoush. Holden vs. Ford lags. Beatles vs. Stones – who cares. The real stand up ‘take it like a man’ is Cigars vs. Hubcaps.
Once was Cigars were everywhere. You’d look up in the sky and have equal chance you’d catch a cigar or a hubcap.

Maybe even more cigars. Who knows. But something happened around the 1960’s where the hubcap was The Man.

There’s no doubt, Cigars were out like fins. I don’t know what it was that made all those alien invaders suddenly get with the round, maybe there was a TV campaign in outer space.
Of course there were a few oldsters getting around:

Just like he doesn’t care. He probably wore a safety helmet and everything. ‘Damn Kids’.
But progress can’t wait for oldsters. The hip were getting with the scene

Like this one’s totally doing the cow prank. Imagine doing that with the Cigar. No Show.
The ones I really like, they just do their own thing. I mean no one is going to say WTF is the story with this guy.

Hey kid, nice whatchmacallit you got there.