The Illuminati are such a big bunch of blouses

(Can you tell I am desperately avoiding useful work?)

Allow me to quote Ken Adachi:

There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world’s wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world’s population by 5.5 Billion people.

Given that the British Royals (who are really lizards) have existed for quite some time, and that the Rothchilds and Rockefellers established the apparently very sinister Tavistock Institute in 1921, their plan to mind control and enslave humanity is turning out to be a bit of a damp patch. I mean in the last 87 years you would have expected their plan to limit the world population to a few million zombies would have borne some results. May I say that the Royals seem to have enough trouble with the women that their royal offspring bring home (that Diana was one psychodrama on heels) let alone enslaving even a small suburb. I’d say that the Black Nobility would want their money back by now.

If you count the most horrible depopulation of this time period – The Holocaust – as evidence, then you run into the problem that the same people that believe in lizards somehow think that all the photographs, testimony, documentation and physical evidence of that process is some conspiracy by the ‘Mainstream Zionist Media’. Zionists are supposed to be able to run absolutely everything behind the scenes – another group that seem strangely underpowered when you think just less than 70 years ago they were being loaded into cattle carriages.

I also wonder what happens when the International Zionist Conspiracy goes head on head with the Black Nobility. Or do they both battle with Greys and Islamofascists? Do they wear capes? Is it like Mexican tag wrestling?

Chemtrails are wonderful things. Every day the US Airforce has nothing better to do than go crop dusting up and down the nation, spraying bacterial soup of the sort that can be found in most old packaged meat. It would be easier to ship bad meat but in any case you can apparently bust up the trails by pointing an orgone accumulator at it. Which even using the laws of crazy bastards makes no sense at all as Destructive Orgone Energy is not quite the same as e. coli last time I looked. Reich would be livid.

But it’s just inefficient – given that they already pump communist fluoride into the drinking water why don’t they just add the mind control cocktails there. It would save on jet fuel. The UK is of course in the lead here – a sharp eyed lady noticed they were digging up the roads and adding piping – which MUST mean that they were adding poison vents to all houses. I mean, you know it makes sense.

The only people to really make a splash recently are the Neocons, or maybe The Vatican or the Greys or whoever the hell it was that planted all that explosives up and down the World Trade Towers. I mean it’s so obvious that the planes couldn’t have done it – because every other time a pair of World Trade towers were hit by jet liners they didn’t fall down like that. And of course (the heart of ‘Truther’ racist bullshit) only white people could have been smart enough.

Really this is another one of those ‘why the hell would you bother’ scenarios. If you want to go attack Iraq just go and bloody do it, you don’t need to score a huge home goal to achieve any of this. The US has been marching into other countries for years. They managed the whole communist scare with a few arrests and a couple of show trials – whoever is running the Conspiracy these days is utterly B Grade.

Look I’ll admit it. This is a job pitch. Whoever you have running the scene from behind the scenes – they suck. You obviously can read my blog as you’re able to process all writing on the Internet via the NSA. I’m saying I would do a much better job. My promise:

  • More economical delivery of mind control drugs via existing facilities. Power outlets. Have you thought of power outlets?
  • Consolidate the Council of 3, 5, 7, 9, 13 etc. into one Corporation. Your structure is messy!
  • Better Moon landing footage. That last lot was pathetic.
  • One World Religion done right, and with merchandising. You made not one cent out of NWO T shirts.
  • We don’t need to blow up buildings guys – a few show trials. Old school is good school.
  • Halve your MK Ultra costs by outsourcing to India.
  • Equal pay for lizards.