OK so slight exaggeration. In reality I’m happy to reveal 6 videos are completed for the second Severed Seance System, about half of an hour long broadcast. This despite being holed up in a apartment kitchen while the studio is renovated. All going smoothly I hope to have the entire hour presentation ready to perform early in 2024. The seances present newly reconstructed (AI!) versions of Severed Heads music from 1982-84, using advanced tools to disassemble the originals we digitally backed up in 1985. You can see the first one here.
When it’s ready we sell tickets on BandCamp and then stream the show live on their video service. This is a more practical way to reach a live audience than flying across the planet and paying $5000 to the US Government for visas (even when offered more than $10,000USD for a show we don’t make enough).
Here’s some stills from the completed songs being performed. I think 5 more will soon be ready.

The Ant Can See Legs is also ready to roll with a new video but this is performed live so no still image is appropriate. The other tracks are still a bit fluid…
Hooray! ❤️