- Eclectic Integrator with Phlogiston Gauge.
- Opposable Mitts with Felt Innards.
- Mid Range Pneumatic Foklift (n.b. not Forklift).
- Hot Pockets, Meat Lovers, Frozen.
- Tyrants (x7)
- One small Bowl of Tepid Squid Bites in Springwater.
- 12 meters of Red Sable as used on the Set of Quo Vadis.
- MH370.
- Britannica Entries for Ouija to Ouzo.
- Henry Ford and Walt Disney in a Tacit Embrace.
- Sepia in a 1 Litre Bottle.

- A Pamphlet denouncing Central Park, dated 1992.
- The Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki, reassembled.
- Faintly Heard Sounds of Rats.
- Photographs of Satan and God for sale for $15,000,000 on eBay.
- Unsung Heroes in a Packet of 12.
- Tincture of Racist Jibes.
- Operation Enduring Freedom.
- A series of eMails re: Teething Problems at Our Melbourne Data Centre.
- Sheer Luxury in a Sports Car.
- A well worn Statuette of Captain Scarlet.
- 5 Japanese Girls Dancing in Strict Formation, the Camera Pans Slowly.
- A Cure for Ebola.
- Micrometeorologists and Decidefibrillators.
- Singapore Sling.
- Innards.
- Episodes of Candid Camera, missing half the 4th Season.
- The Four Seasons.
- A Betamax Cassette Entitled ‘Viva Sonyland’.
- Valium. More Valium.
- A Pair of Dashing Red Pantaloons, Alas Too Small
- A Near Miss, partly used.
- Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers.
- Hector, the greatest fighter for Troy in the Trojan War.
- My Deepest Regrets for You, and Your Family.
- Insipid Scissors.