From the team that brought you the virtual Virus keyboards, two related emulations of the Waldorf MicroQ and MicrowaveXT. I’d have to start with the interfaces which are quite authentically awful, just like Waldorf’s own interfaces. The original hardware was bloody awful and what we are seeing here is much improved by many years of work.

Here is the face of Xenia. It improves greatly on what you once got:

But still it has no connection with the state of the art in wavetable synthesis interface:

The point I am making is that there’s plenty of new wavetable synthesisers out there, even free, that will be a better musical instrument than these oldies. Even Waldorf, bless them, has finally realised you need to see the damn waveforms on screen. Their new Microwave VST finally has scopes that allow informed exploration of the waveforms (but their file system still sucks badly).
Download these memories, enjoy the presets but then move on to making your own sound.