After ten years a hugely expanded new version of Serum appears. Copied, imitated, dissed, revered – and now free for the original owners. What now for all the clones?
My first polyphonic instrument – a small, cheap, tinny little machine with a big impact. The CASIOTONE M10 was all over everything and a star of the biggest success…

The KORG multi/poly looks an awful lot like their last batch of digital synthesisers. But this time I didn’t bite until there was a software version… and I’m glad I did. Saved me an awful lot of money and shelf space…
Getting ready for a hardware sale. Documenting things before selling them. Many pages on this site being rewritten, updated and improved.
There is no more room. The cull is coming.

The Sonicware Liven Ambient0 is all you need for your next hippy rave ambient tent gig. It’s a bit complex but a powerful little thing for not too much. You’ll have to pre-order … and wait.
The Montage M: Don’t be shy. Tell it like it is. Having synthesisers is like having that rocket ship that you really wanted to pilot when you were a kid. Your own Death Star pew pew.

Sistema2 is an “AI” synthesiser. Let’s not waste words – politely – it’s not very good.
The Dialects of FM – we’ve come a long way from the DX7 to the Montage! This nearly inscrutable way of making noises has enjoyed a long illustrious career for something that no one could figure out. So what is FM-X? And how does it work?

About the ManCave, a necessary and good thing.
About Me, your host.