- Scoring for the Universal Time Machine using a MOD tracker.
- I’ve edited all the tones and voices for the Universal Time Machine. While I was working on it I realised a really good way to have the voice messages give clues to the end of game. A film reference that is pertinent to the issue at hand.
- Subscribed to a service that produces artificial voices. If I just use the ones that come with OSX, they’ll be too familiar to many players.
- Decided on the graphics that will go on the Spirit Level. Of course!
- Organised the secret code used in the game. The short wave radios will offer numbers stations that will use this code. It’s probably too easy for a real code fan, but I want to make it not too bad for the casual player. If you use letter statistics I’ve hidden the most common letters. I expect that if anyone cares it’ll get broken in about the first day of play by somebody.
- Started work on the Windbag room (opera house). The room is based on an artist’s palette and the stages are shaped in a manner to suit. All very curvy. I need to get the windbag sounds started soon. Thinking Music For Airports.
- Making sundry NPC electric rabbits. The same skeleton can be clothed in different ways.
- Found code for creating mirrors. Works! Player can see reflection, can walk through mirrors one way. Cocteau is go.
- Completed the basic layout of The Warren. Completed a nosferatu avatar for the player when in The Warren which relies on shadows. Created Chocolate Rabbit that pursues player within proximity (maybe change to trigger on the player blinking like in SCP meme). Laid out track for Big Bunny, ready for NPC. Made a placeholder for (hidden) the hidden airport.
- Code for Tikori Room broken in 3.5. Rebuilt and tested.
- Now running Unity Professional 3.5. Shadows! Sound Filters!
- Paid by sales on BandCamp. Thanks to everybody.
- Built and wired universal piano keyboard scene. Built and wired a Tikori Room 3D grid sequencer. Design started on the Sonic Bathtub room.
- Made a diagram of how sound mixing might work in the Spirit Level. Basically a main sound zones surrounded by others in a hex. They are also surrounding the next main sound along. Wonder if there should be any visual clues at all in this level.
- Started building the Universal Time Machine. Spent too much time on Nixie Tubes that haven’t found a place yet. Made 6 radial rooms for tape machines and radios – and something else…
- There’s a plot element here that I need to figure out based on the radios. It should involve code breaking and lead to opening doors. Got a few ideas.
- Started an inspiration wall for rabbits, tape recorders, radios, etc. Steve found a devil face that would be great for level 2. Hassled him into building it. Found a weird toy rabbit patent. Hassled Karen into building it.
- Wired up four Revox A77′s to test/demo streaming ogg audio from a website. It works! Maybe this is still useful after we get Unity Pro and video textures. Wired up four Wind Bags, also worked.
- Modelled a Wind Bag. The face should have expressions, so I need a face animation system. Bought FaceGen. It works in the modeler but Unity trashes the vertices. After two weeks, bought MegaFiers. After much fussing around, got the face to animate in Unity. It better not be all as hard as this.
- Built a model Revox A77, like the one that was going to be in 1001 Recorders. Oh memories. Made a promo image, made a few test scenes.