Attention Cyber Digital Artists!
You are invited to CONTROL 2010: an exclusive symposium to be held Friday – Sunday in NYC next week.
Courtesy of Apple we’ll be touting the new iPad. But there’ll be plenty of other REAL KNOB ACTION.
Some of the talks on offer over the first day:
DJ Skewl will patch the iPad to send a control over OSC to MaxMSP controlling Reaktor modulated by a Wiimote under the robotic control of a homebrew Arduino driven LEGO vacuuming robot.
Kurt M will demonstrate touching a Lemur to generate a sound tone converted to a control voltage that modulates a light source picked up by a photocell wired to inputs in Processing that operate a PD patch over MIDI to pan a 440Hz test tone through a 6 speaker array.
I’ll be there controlling an iPad with another iPad.
David Pseudonym will be sending wireless signals to an Netbook running Javascript that shows pictures of mice to a homebrew cat that will then drag an iPad off a table onto a Whoopee Cushion.
Nancy Spudgen will present her now legendary demo of beaming microwave signals under the control of an iPad at high intensity to pop a whole bunch of toads in a bucket in time with a Foreigner track.
MC Lollipop will use a prototype iPad GSM as a support mechanism to snort some fine ass cocaine.
Micheal Dorkmeister will show his 1024 button monome and world’s largest ball of MIDI cables.
VJ Hu Pop will be sharing a way to embed Quartz Composer patches inside Jitter inside Quartz Composer inside Jitter to make a 3D rotating doughnut.
The latest iPad applications will be on show including Fart Piano Professional sending out wireless OSC to a homebrew hydrophonic speaker array in the ladies toilets. See the SQL pipe organ! Thrill to the Fastest knob twiddler in the East! Blog booths and Cloud Rooms and NYC’s biggest Twitting Twister!
We also have expert debates on Saturday:
“Open source: mainstream in 2011 .. maybe 2012″.
“The future: 8 bit chip sound on 64 bit recording or 64 bit chip sound on 8 bit recording”
“Closest approximation to a human relationship: Touch VS Tactile devices”
Sunday Night – a special concert presentation: Taking the chance out of John Cage.
For all his supposed success Cage was notoriously lacking in control. He allowed chance and circumstance to determine his musical outcome. But what if Cage had an iPad? We think he’d think different! Hear your favourite Cages placed in a cloud controller context!
TICKETS ONLY $250 for all three big nights!