As predicted in the last newsletter, heavy upward movement on the HUSSEIN Obama Islamo Terrist!! value, following general trends ahead of the US Election, although much of the buying is coming from an aggressive bid by Bush Inc. subsidiary Palin Rape Kit LLC. We don’t see this trend having much legs past early November, and we’d advise to sell around now if you’re in this investment. Take your gains over to The Election Was Rigged around November 10th which we predict as the big earner for the final quarter of 2008.

The other big news for October is the collapse of Aliens Arriving On October 14th which saw a dramatic fall on October 15th. Canny buyers will invest quickly in any of the splinters which will have a fast ascendant in the next few weeks. We’d pick We Meant November as the likely winner here but Only Worthy People Saw The Ship is a near equal. Remember to buy hard and sell quickly on these kinds of ‘aftershocks’.
In the face of turmoil on the monetary market, conspiracy stocks remain relatively stable. 9/11 Truthing remains a good investment for the medium to long term, based on solid bias and misunderstanding. Likewise for blue chip British Royalty Are Lizards, a safe haven for long term investment if you are prepared for low end returns. Holocaust Denial has risen firmly over the last 6 months possibly in response to a general hardening of the Racism basket. We’ve seen this before (in some years Jewish Bankers Control The World making the top 20) but performance is patchy when factored across European markets. Like Chemtrails, this kind of stock won’t travel well.
In the subprime we’re seeing the kind of churn that washes from movements on the upper end. Communism Through Fluoride remains mostly dormant, investors having moved on to newer Conspiracy 2.0. style stocks. Vaccination Causes Autism rises and drops in a flurry of small movements leading nowhere – lots of light not much heat. Antichrist Pope is in the doldrums. The one to keep in mind is Morgellons which is using the net to attract mom and pop investors. We don’t see need for action but 2009 could be big for dust balls.
As always, happy investing and may wing nuts forever grow in our rich soil.
The CSN Team.