Sevcom is booming. Bloody hell it won’t sit down now will it? The funny thing is that almost everything here is an attempt to stop doing things. That ends up…
Working on Clifford Darling now. This was a compilation album called in by Ink records in 1985, which was to collect all the stuff made before Since The Accident. So…
Given all that technical guff in the last post you would expect that I would be doing similar things for the re-pressing of City Slab Horror, also happening this year.…
I’m surprised that cassettes are still ‘a thing’. The meaning they had back when there were few alternatives is different to the meaning they have now, where they are used…
This is the live show review. From the inside. The nice photographer for The Guardian told me to smile, and to stop frowning. I wanted to tell her – listen…
I saw Kraftwerk play live in 1981. It was wonderful. They brought their whole opera stage with them; all those green/yellow Wagnerian boxes and knobs and neon tubes. They seemed…
It’s funny isn’t it, how the busiest times seem to jam up at the death of things. It’s busy now, very busy, as we prepare another larger coffin for Severed…
Oh goodie. Zack Parsons has flipped his wig again and is running, well not an ARG, but certainly some weird shit delivered over multiple levels. Start here, read very carefully…