Damn, I didn’t write that title. It was Milton Babbitt in 1958. But, Milton old bean, I am on your side. You and I, arrogant arseholes, who conjure up Godwin…
I would first like to thank everybody that told me about the phonautograph being deciphered. I understand that it’s a wonderful thing but to my mind it’s like inventing a…
ADVERTISEMENT!!!!1♣ I have finished, well nearly finished, the super duper severed heads video collection and it’s a double DVD called Showbag*. Double DVD because that’s infinitely cheaper than 1 dual…
I am an embarrassment to Web 2.0. Comments are disabled by the way, I am not soliciting any responses from anyone, did that for about 16 years and what the…
I have been surprised by the interest from academia in our ‘Twister’ communities. Twister 5 (which has very recently quit this mortal coil) had a smattering of researchers lurking in…