COMMENTS ARE GETTING BORING AND ARE CLOSED. DO WHAT THOU WILLST, There was a time slightly after the dinosaurs that I owned a small wall of KORG. There was two…
Maybe other people are super geniuses or something but it’s unbelievable the amount of trouble that goes getting a game to run – let alone be enjoyable…Spent all of today…
Last night I built both a PC executable and web applet of level one, which actually works. The large globe in the centre of the room rotates and broadcasts time…
Spent this weekend working on level 1, manufacturing soundtracks and building tape recorders. I’ve got into a muddle between photo realistic machines and more cartoon like toy recorders. I guess…
Scoring for the Universal Time Machine using a MOD tracker.I’ve edited all the tones and voices for the Universal Time Machine. While I was working on it I realised a…
The heart of the universe has two chambers – radio WWV in Colorado and radio WWVH Hawaii. They beat as one – the Great Timepiece that Orders All Things. The…
When I was working on The Shape Of A Note I was assisted by the Penrith Regional Gallery in trying to find works that could be described as musical. Obviously…
My last post has caused deep offence to the people that most deserve it. The rubbery jaws of toy poodles descend upon me from academes in Sydney to Toronto with…