We are back in the renovated house, where the kitchen has jumped from 1973 to 2023 in two months. During that time cupboards have lost their handles (you just push at them randomly hoping to open one) sinks are rectangular so the water doesn’t drain out (because you’d use a dishwasher – we don’t) and there’s nowhere for a bin (because you eat out anyway). Everything from the oven to the dryer has a computer in it. The oven does Sabbath Mode apparently. Does this involve Ozzie?

As for the studio area I’ve managed to peel back the body bags and most machines seem to be working although re-wiring will take a while. Two computers are working on the last clip for the second Séance. It’s partly the disorder of the room and partly the endless follow-on from the building works (this is isn’t working, that has to be delivered) that is keeping production slow. I can’t see it being finished before next year.

Not too sure what happens after. I’m not very inspired to keep making – looking at income sources from the last financial year it’s clear that re-issues and old music is the main business. Completely submerged with people wanting me to re-issue this or that old thing on vinyl. I’ll probably keep on working at game design but that’s more for my own jollies. Should fix up these websites to be more exciting – but everyone is on TikTok aren’t they. {shrug} maybe don’t plan too much right now when half our worldly possessions are in garbage bags.
And it’s too hot.
Tom, I love all the SH’s albums and this stiff is great, Thanks for making the page.
I am William Lawrence Thon Author, musician and HR Manager for money. I have purchased ever album and saw you live years ago. So glad you are doing well and if your interested in a wild book my latest is “Trial by Goodwill” A Novel – FANTASY SCI FI
LOVE SEVERED HEADS ALBUMS and that is where I got the names Harold And Cindy for my water goblins in the book.
Glad the renovations went well, and the studio is getting back into shape. Looking very forward to the next Seance, so all the best of luck with that coming together. I can certainly sympathize with having no dishwasher. Ours has been out of commission for years so we’ve been washing everything by hand, which having teenagers means a lot of dishes!
Hi Tom. Did you see my message sent via your Severed Heads Bandcamp at 12.30pm Dec 11th? I had sent you a WeTransfer link to a mad Super 8 video I made yonks ago (1988) at some ancient megalithic stones in Cornwall south west UK, and set to 20 Deadly Diseases. Would love to know what you think of it! Cheers Steve.
I will get to it I promise.
Take the time to unpack and have a good Christmas break, then reassess from there. Personally I’ll be interested in anything musical, whether that’s new stuff or reissues. Your music kept me going through the year, so thank you for your service, and merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and yours!
Merry Christmas!!
I have read about your intention to do stream live shows, and I
comment because I recently saw this A Christmas Carol VR
show (the app is on Epic Store for free but you have to pay tickets
to see the show), and I suppose you’re thinking of something similar (?),
but yeah I could totally see you mixing live concert and VR. Though maybe
a simple stream video option would be required because many people
don’t have VR, but you know: Art’s sake.
Btw, glad you visited Montreal on your last North America tour (or one of them)!!
You’re a bit advanced on where I am at … yes I am interested in game engines and yes interested in streaming live shows BUT I haven’t seen a VR presentation that has the texture/grain/timing I am interested in presenting. Games are their own art form. I don’t know if I am good enough yet at that art form to try meld it into a new kind of video show.