Look how far bubby has grown!

Nilamox is on the way. My Man Cave is likely the most popular feature – it’s up and running from the front page (↑look up there↑). I’ll soon restart slagging music equipment here then copying over to the static site.
And there’s the Severed Heads Museum, which will eventually be the cool place for your 80’s to 2019 coldwave nostalgia. Right now it’s some pages and lists, these will soon dig down to more interesting articles and features. The photo gallery is copied over from the old site – it’s two years out of date and some of the images are too small. First thing is to get the new years added, and then go back and enlarge crucial documents. A new page shows off some of our collectable objects, from the 1982 Blubberknife c90 to 2018’s Aversion2 rat pack USB.

There will soon be a section for interaction and game design. My Dali VS Le Corbusier Theme Park project will live there.
The old blog rambled along from 2008 to 2020 – some parts of it are still amusing. It doesn’t seem like I can just import individual pages into WordPress, so I have to figure out a way to run it locally and then grab bits as desired. Maybe no one would be interested, maybe that doesn’t matter.
Have I forgotten something? Tell me.