You are no doubt enjoying the quiet. Sorry this won’t take long.
I am arting quite a bit, exceedingly arting right now and this alongside the tedious administration at work, leaves not much time to run the newspaper. (I do tweet but it’s not very satisfying, like when you microwave something because there’s no time to cook a real meal.)
Anyway, what’s going on:

This is Mr. Paul Greedy who is seen tickling my tablet, connected to our (mostly his) nearly finished Clavilux. This fine mechanical contraption is about to go off to Campbelltown Art Centre to be part of an exhibition called Catching Light. Paul took care of the physical side and I took care of the spiritual in the form of software to paint the colours according to Theosophical thought forms.

Apparently the NOISE exhibit is going on the road, including my video of my soundtrack of a Balson painting. At least I have to get over to Penrith to make a speech about something arty. Actually I got a bunch of speeches coming up. Cask wine, I am ready for you.
My main worry is a commission to create an animation to accompany a live orchestra that’s banging out Holst’s The Planets in August. I was given Saturn although of course I went for Uranus. Saturn goes for about 9 minutes. That’s only 13,500 frames. Of course I am not panicked. After all, only 1000+ people worked on Fantasia.
I’ve decided to make something roughly like my The Ant Can See Legs video, except with the particle system forming an old man rather than a young woman. After all, that was about 4 minutes, so it seems doable. Thing is we have a motion capture system at work and so I can probably get somebody to act out the role of Saturn for me, maybe even eating some children. Then it’s just computers. Lots of computers.