Tom, you prick, you took down MY damn video just because you made it.
This is wrong as you will plainly learn from this list.
- Everyone else is doing it so why can’t I be the 33rd person to post up another “Dead Eyes Opened Spook Mix”?
- No one else is doing it so I think it justified that I be world leader in going through your garbage bins.
- It’s not as if you’re posting the material yourself. Well maybe you did, I didn’t look hard.
- I am a Curator! Your work is simply a small part of my vision, which presents a culturally significant view of media I remember from 30 years ago.
- None of the other bands have complained so I’m pretty disappointed that you’re making an effort here.
- It’s Fair Use for Educational Purposes, as I’m a Professor of History and my course is the period before I was too fat to go to the disco.
- I played it faster/slower/backwards/wearing a funny hat so it’s now my work.
- I’ve incentivised the product through agile redeployment in a way that you will never conceptually grasp.
- Did you see the video where the record label spins around? Did you do that? No, you didn’t. So now it’s just a soundtrack, feel lucky I chose you.
- Gift economy (if you buy YouTube Red).
- All your efforts: live shows, videos, streaming, objects – all of that achieves nothing. It’s my YouTube VHS that keeps you from obscurity
- The viewers prefer my ancient capture off TV to your elitist ‘master copy’. It’s like Stranger Things.