Sevcom 1/1/04—6/10/20

The rise fall rise fall and rinse cycle of the band Severed Heads
Start slideshow
1979 Birth A bunch of school kids make a noise

1979 Birth

A bunch of school kids make a noise

26 images

1980 Toddler Some vague imitation of a record label

1980 Toddler

Some vague imitation of a record label

23 images

1981 Childhood Somehow being treated like the real thing

1981 Childhood

Somehow being treated like the real thing

34 images

1982 School And so taking it a little more seriously

1982 School

And so taking it a little more seriously

33 images

1983 Youth Signed up by the majors

1983 Youth

Signed up by the majors

24 images

1984 Teenhood That short moment when you float in the air

1984 Teenhood

That short moment when you float in the air

103 images

1985 Adulthood The peak of expectation and illusion

1985 Adulthood

The peak of expectation and illusion

72 images

1986 The World A tour to end all tours

1986 The World

A tour to end all tours

146 images

1987 Regrets

Back home and a little wiser

36 images

1988 Dance

Apparently we do 'dance music'

22 images

1989 Second wind

The last year of white keyboard guys

19 images

1990 America

Things have changed

29 images1 other

1991 Technopop

Dance parties are normal

13 images

1992-1993 Cruising Altitude

We are normal

18 images

1994 Cyber

So normal as to have a chart single but

21 images

1995 Quiet before

then it all falls apart

25 images

1996-97 The Storm

A vain attempt to keep above the surface

20 images

1998 Survival

An occasional angry shot

12 images

1999 With Toy

Surely there's a way upward, back to progress

11 images

2000-2003 Adland

Meanwhile a person must somehow eat. Working at an ad agency.

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2004 Doctor

A film soundtrack and food on the table

13 images

2005 ARIA

Jingles all the way

28 images

2006 Teacher

Those who can't, teach

9 images

2007 Student

Back to study, and VJ gigging

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2008 Death and Work

You know what? I've had enough. I quit.

9 images

2009 Necro

Where did you go? Wait...

17 images

2010 Rebirth

... we miss you!

18 images

2011 Reincarnation

We especially miss your old stuff

22 images

2012 Hauntology

Too bad, I'm going to make new things

20 images

2013 Deja Vu

Lots of new things

21 images

2014 Myths and Legends

Oh OK some old things too

6 images

2015 Holiday USA

Some old stomping grounds

21 images

2016 Europe and Melbourne

Let's just try that again

62 images

2017 Australia & Canada

and again

34 images

2017 United States

and maybe again?

51 images

2019 Europe and USA

51 images